Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Mexico Feb 2023 Trip Report: Taxco, the Silver City, Cristo Rey, Silver showrooms

Feb 5, 2023, Sunday

Zocalo at 6 am

It had been quite crowded when we visited the plaza and the church in the afternoon. We were just 300 m away, so we walked there first thing in the morning
Everything looked beautiful and serene in the mild golden rays just piercing through the sky

The plaza


we kept our bags at the reception and went back to the zocalo
it was Constitution day... old vehicles were lined up at the sign

Día de la Constitución

The Mexican Constitution was drafted following the Mexican Revolution, led by Francisco Madero against the dictatorial regime of Porfirio Diaz (an era known in Mexico as “El Porfiriato”), in pursuit of political and agrarian reforms, and social justice. Mexico’s Constitution was drafted in the colonial city of Queretaro, north of Mexico City.   It was legalized on February 5th, 1917, by the country’s Constitutional Congress
we witnessed some celebrations in the zoczlo
some speeches were made and a band played
colorful stalls here.
we wanted to go to the Mirador with a monumental statue of Cristo Rey, took a shared van which started from the corner of the church plaza.
these volkswagen beetles were taxis going up too, we avoided them as they belch fumes

Cristo Rey, Monumental Christ of Taxco 

Monumental Christ of Taxco or Cristo Taxqueño is a monumental statue of 18 meters high, 1 being 5 meters of base and 13 of sculpture, located in the upper part of the Atachi hill, in the town of Taxco de Alarcón , Mexico . The statue looks at Taxco with open arms from above .  Its construction lasted 8 months of work, starting in January and ending in September 2002 

after spending some time at the Mirador, we walkd back to where the van had dropped us.

Going down was much faster than the way up.

nice murals on the van ride

we were back at the plaza.
Nice fountain here
this ice cream parlor looked classy , we had some


Taxco is primarily known for its fine silver handwork and other crafts, being recognized as the outstanding centre for silverwork in the Western Hemisphere.
The city is still renowned for its silver, but copper, zinc, lead, and fluorite are also mined in the vicinity.

we enjoyed the silver in the showrooms

silver plaque

silver elephant
silver cheeta


we strolled through the pretty  lanes

lovely craft everywhere

silver rhino

we walked back to our hotel, had our food.

we sat in th zocalo to while away time till our bus departure... very unlike our usual hectic sight seeing!!

we rolled our single bag to the bus station and boarded our bus when ready, at 9pm. Reached Mexico city at midnight. Ubered to our apt

 report continues

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