Monday, May 20, 2024

Japan Trip Report, Apr12-28, 2024, Day 6: Kyoto Kinkakuji, Daitokuji, Shokubutsuen-mae (Botanical Gardens)


 DAY 6, Apr 17 Wed 2024: 

Kyoto Kinkakuji, Daitokuji, Shokubutsuen-mae (Botanical Gardens)

Kinkakuji (金閣寺, Golden Pavilion)

We took the direct Kyoto City Bus 205 from Kyoto station and reached Kinkakuji in about 40 minutes and for 230 yen, paid by swiping our card when we exit the bus passing the driver. [in Kyoto it's a flat fare, so no need to swipe the card when we enter]. 

Kinkakuji (金閣寺, Golden Pavilion) is a Zen temple in northern Kyoto whose top two floors are completely covered in gold leaf. It was the retirement villa of the shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, and according to his will it became a Zen temple of the Rinzai sect after his death in 1408. 
The pavilion is three stories high, 12.5 meters (40 feet) in height

Kinkakuji is an impressive structure built overlooking a large pond, and is the only building left of Yoshimitsu's former retirement complex. It has burned down numerous times. The present structure was rebuilt in 1955.

Kinkakuji was the inspiration for the similarly named Ginkakuji (Silver Pavilion), built by Yoshimitsu's grandson, Ashikaga Yoshimasa, on the other side of the city a few decades later.
The gardens hold a few other spots of interest including Anmintaku Pond that is said to never dry up, and statues that people throw coins at for luck.

White Snake Pagoda of Kinkaku-ji below...

Tasted these sample dessert... Japanese matcha [green tea] jelly. NOT to our taste!!
From bus stop Kinkakuji-michi we took 205 City Bus in reverse, got down at the 3rd stop Daitokuji-mae

Daitoku-ji (大徳寺, the ‘temple of Great Virtue’)

Daitoku-ji originated as a small monastery founded in 1315 by the monk Shuho Myocho, who is known by the title Daitō Kokushi ("National Teacher of the Great Lamp")

amazing woodwork in this screen

koi fish in the pond...

Took the bus again and got down at Shokubutsuen-mae (Botanical Gardens]


"Nakaragi no michi” is the section of the path in front of the Kyoto Botanical Garden, at the hiking trail along Kamogawa River

Shokubutsuen-mae (Botanical Gardens)

The garden was AWESOME!! 

Founded in 1924, Kyoto Botanical Gardens is the oldest and most comprehensive public botanical garden in Japan. 

100 in a floral display here


sumo wrestler
Had  our picnic meal in the kids playground...


This conservatory is one of the largest and most impressive in Japan with a maximum height of 14.8m and a total floor area of 4,700㎡, and it displays a staggering 4,500 plants. The conservatory has eight sections,


Pyrostegia venusta also commonly known as flame vine, orange trumpet vine, flaming trumpet, golden shower...

Chenille plant (Acalypha hispida)also known as Philippine medusa and red hot cat tail...  

Water lilies...




Indian mangoes...

 Euphorbia milii...
ORCHID...Arpophyllum giganteum ...


Camphor trees on both sides...

Nakaragi Shrine


Lavender bush...
This Fringe Flower cultivar ... an evergreen shrub that has pink to red blooms and purple to green-purple foliage...


Heritage trees...Deodar Cedar


European garden


our purchases

Report continues here


  1. Great Tipps!
    Many thanks! I take many helpful notes for my own upcoming trip! :-)
